
What is the difference between piezoelectric buzzers and electromagnetic buzzers
分類:公司新聞 發(fā)布時間:2022-05-25 15:57:46
Piezoelectric buzzers use piezoelectric materials, which generate charges when subjected to external forces that cause deformation of the piezoelectric material. Similarly, piezoelectric materials undergo deformation when energized.

Piezoelectric buzzers use piezoelectric materials, which generate charges when subjected to external forces that cause deformation of the piezoelectric material. Similarly, piezoelectric materials undergo deformation when energized.

The electromagnetic buzzer mainly utilizes the characteristics of the magnetic field generated by the energized conductor, and uses a fixed permanent magnet to generate magnetic force with the energized conductor to push the tympanic membrane fixed on the coil.

Due to the different pronunciation principles of the two types of buzzers, the piezoelectric structure is simple and durable, but with a single tone and color difference, making it suitable for equipment such as alarms. However, electromagnetic devices are often used in devices such as voice and music due to their good sound quality.

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